One is located at the Cottage, but another may be purchased for the player's Bunker. When transporting gas can always keep it in the cab of your truck. It is located away from the main road, halfway between the Post Office and Kali-Gas. Problem with the farm kiosk. 288 In game version 0. #1 BinkStainTTV Jan 15, 2022 @ 10:19pm haha yeah talk to him and sell him weed and it will give 2 friendship points a day he has to be at 50 and you gotta pay 70k Originally posted by Parquito: Do you have to have a certain friendship level with Normand to unlock the speedway or do you have to give him something, I'm at level 14 with him right now. It will take him approximately 20 in-game minutes to drive. 3 comments. I Entered a STREET RACE with the WORST Race Car in Mon Bazou! (Mon Bazou) Build your crappy vehicle into a race car, install the parts yourself. The DM has to allow this in order to use Friendship Points. To gain access to scrapyard you must be at 25 friendship with Jacques. These items do not include regular car parts, food, drink, syrup, cannabis, or other respawning. (check available friendship thresholds). She can be found behind the counter of the store's showroom Monday through Friday, between 08:00 and 17:30. Game manuals, wikis, cheats etc: The cheapest games and lots of sales: Instagram: Can Sealer is a permanent upgrade available for the Sugar Shack that can be purchased from the Maple Syrup Federation for $2,599. Each log may be split one time, creating two pieces of firewood. Maple: $8; Pine: $7; Birch: $5; Log Prices. He can be found behind the counter of Kali-Gas from Monday through Saturday, between 08:00 and 17:30. Get more out of Mon Bazou and enhance your gaming experience. When starting a new game, the Konig will be partially. This guide will explain how to do it. Games; Maps; Search. 241 Update small fixed: Collision problem at the end of the drag (U-Turn) Wheels of the truck didn't remember if they were de-rusted before. The Fuel Canister is a portable container for transporting Petrol/Gasoline from Kali-Gas to where it is needed. Francis is a possible friend of the player, as well as being the player's older brother. These are often cosmetic in nature, but. Leo is home ( The dog), bunker is builted sugar shack is builted too, and the garage too, friendship to maximum to all people, weed dealer unlocked ofc. They can initially be found behind the two front wheels of the Konig, holding. They list mission-style tasks and objectives for the player to perform, guiding their gameplay towards progression. Quick 0. Our Mon Bazou Trainer is now available for version Dec 16 2022 and supports STEAM. If you will put plastic in the recycling can (Tubes etc. next week you will get to see that proces. These vehicles are owned by other characters in the world, but they will offer to give the player a ride if needed. You already own all the tools to begin selling, and you can easily do so at your lesiure. Traveling to and from Perajarvi for supplies in MSC can be an hour long trip, especially in the early game when you. I would like to get scrapyard but I don’t want to wait 25 days every new save. It is located on the southern coast of the easternmost island on the Map, circled with the. Most can be equipped in your hand using E, but some require more complex operation, like the Wood Splitter or Tire Changer. -builded buggy. It is located on the southwest side of Town, circled on the player's Map with the caption, "MMMMMMM. Make a living by selling Firewood, Maple Syrup, and Cannabis to folks living in town, and wager your hard-earned cash in a Street Race that very same night! Friendship Milestones: Hard Mode Only – At Friendship level 1, he will gift the player a Chainsaw. 0:00 / 20:37 Mon Bazou - Ep. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. The Night Race is a nightly street race that happens in front of the Abandoned Grocery Store. 0 Download: Manual 8 items Last updated 19 February 2023 2:54PM Original upload 08 March 2022 8:34AM Created by Amenofisch Uploaded by Amenofisch Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Cheating English Survival Guide. -=Guide to Add Music=-You need to place your music here: C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalLowSanta GoatMon BazouCDPlayer These can be files of such formats as: * MP3 * WAV * OGG-=Note=-Some . Five_Slow • 1 yr. There are four Player Needs that need to be balanced while doing so: Maple Syrup (thirst), Poutine (hunger), Energy (sleep), and Anxiety. In the mid- to late game, selling Maple Syrup has the potential to earn you multiple tens of thousands of dollars per week, but. At Friendship level 50, he will give the player His Old Air Compressor, as he has upgraded to a new one. Mon Bazou - Get involved with the developmentOyun AçıklamasıThis is Mon Bazou! Canada’s foremost car building, maple syrup producing, street racing survival game! We’re freshly into 2005, and the age of tuners and street racers is in full swing! Take your run-down and rusty beater and turn it into a real racer! Make a living by selling firewood, maple. Last Update: 11 May 2023. Report Save Follow. The player has four basic needs that need to be balanced in order to survive: Maple Syrup, Poutine, Energy, and Anxiety. Don't forget to like and subscribe These characters are potential Friends of the Player. Talk to everyone, everyday. Save game-ComfyStart. Maple Syrup Cans are an alternative to the Maple Syrup bottles that can be purchased from Kali-Gas. HOW TO ADD / EDIT / CHEAT FRIENDSHIP - Mon Bazou Tips #10 | Radex - YouTube Game manuals, wikis, cheats etc: The cheapest games and lots of sales:. A roll is ten tube. The player owns two at the start of the game, but more can be purchased. It is located off the main road cutting through town, next door to the Church. kwiatkowskim28 Aug 4, 2022 @ 10:31am. Is there a way to increase friendship very fast? I would like to get scrapyard but I don’t want to wait 25 days every new save. The building is composed of two sections: the showroom and the. Make a living by selling Firewood, Maple Syrup, and Cannabis to folks living in town, and wager your hard-earned cash in a Street Race that very same night! 0:00 / 20:37 Mon Bazou - Ep. Skip to the content. Initially, the player has access to a single telephone; the one in their Home. It comes equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission, a dedicated Chainsaw holder, a few wooden crates for hauling small items, and a ball hitch for towing a trailer. "TrickyTrav741" said this in a different post. It can be satisfied by drinking the Maple Syrup available from Kali-Gas, Maple Syrup Cans made by the. Also make sure to remember that two extra zeroes are for the pennies so add two extra characters to. Maybe you want t. The Deep Fryer is a small kitchen appliance found in the Player's Home. He has humble beginnings, having recently moved out of his childhood home and into a small,. #monbazou#InsideAgameR#MysummercarMon Bazou - Canadian My Summer Car Game - Making Good Friends And Unlocking The Race Track #20 Build your crappy vehicle in. Every Friday and Sunday, Roger. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. He can be found behind the counter of Kali-Gas from Monday through Saturday, between 08:00 and 17:30. Drinking a cup of coffee does not restore any thirst (Maple Syrup), but it restores some Energy at the cost of raising Anxiety. The owner, Roger, sets up in. Normand is a possible friend of the player, and the owner of the Speedway. Spray Paint is a consumable tool used to change the color of various Decorative Objects and Vehicles in the game. Pine: $15; Maple: $10; Birch: $8; More Guides: Mon Bazou – Useful Tips and Tricks for New Players ;Vortex from NexusMods - simple modification installation. . The Church is a large place of worship in Saint-Clin du Fin-Fond. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are. -builded sugarshack. Talking to her may also give the player a hint. It is closed for construction Monday through Thursday, from 08:00 to 12:00. Make a living by selling. There’s many joke items on the map and hidden graffiti this is just one of them. Five cups are stocked on the front counter per day, and they can be purchased for $1. Many different Tools exist in Mon Bazou, ranging from simple hand tools to powerful pneumatic Impact Drivers. The Magnetic Tray is a small metal pan useful for storing loose Bolts the player accumulates. turbo;. He can be found working behind the counter between 12:00 and 21:00. You’ll have gained a single point of trust from. The cheapest games and lots of sales: Instagram: Subscribe my second channel: and Tricks. If you were driving a vehicle, it will be left. It is comprised of several large dunes, plateaus, and mounds of sand. The Rust Repair Kit is a consumable tool used to remove the rust from vehicles, and some of their parts. grimeygamer69 Feb 14, 2022 @ 2:04pm car keeps spinning out!! So i upgraded my konig with the engine from the gas station and all the parts from roger, I mean ALL of them. View Mobile SiteCheat engine dowloaduse this antivirus after using the c. Martin is a friend of the player, and a resident of Saint-Clin du Fin-Fond. They can be used as a source of income by selling them to the Snack Delivery, or they can be used to make Poutine in the Deep Fryer. When its. Permissions and credits. Jacques is a possible friend of the player, and the owner of Kali-Gas and the Scrapyard. Members. You can rotate items with scroll wheel. After that, the garage will be build in few days (4 on the map) Where are weeds seeds ? - They are on top of one of wind turbine (25-27 on map here) Where I can sell weeds ?Mon Bazou is a first person survival game centered around building and maintaining your run-down car, the Konig. Every day at 09:00, he leaves his home for morning constitutional; he takes a walk down the sidewalk to the nearby cul-de-sac, and returns the way he came. This is usually problematic with mods that lower/reset sleep needs. 2- Vortex will download BepInEx from here on Nexus then:The cheapest games and lots of sales: Instagram: Subscribe my second channel: you have any questions or suggestions I wait for them in the comment section down below. It is open Monday through Sunday, from 08:00 to 17:30. Building the GARAGE to Work on My Race Car! (Mon Bazou) Build your crappy vehicle into a race car, install the parts yourself. Putting other trash (like sprays) shows a green message saying THANK YOU . If there is a check mark on that list you can't gain anymore friendship. An external pump and filling spout is automatically added to the Sugar Shack when the tank is purchased, to facilitate its filling. This guide will explain how to do it. To gain access to scrapyard you must be at 25 friendship. Clin and the surrounding area with electricity. Author: zhaggy. It is one of the main shops of the game, as it is the only place to purchase fuel and some auto parts for the Konig and OlTruck. Collision Racetrack block. Fill a Harvesting Basket with organic matter, such as Potatoes, and move it to the open Composter; the basket's contents should fill. -3rd is to edit the numbers in money, friendship values, belongings, etc. REQUIRES "Fusion Modding API". Computer. MMMMMMM: The location of. While your car is flipping hold forward, it seems to help right yourself. Regarding the answer i got, you can use the disc as Steering wheel, and the spray to make your car rust again^^. Check Out How To Raise Adventure Rank Here!Binkuso · 5/22/2023 in General. P. It is a static map, and does not show where the player currently is. Buy a cottage in the woods to expend your land and having more space to plant tree. #4. Maybe you want to manage a sugar shack or build yourself a big garage? Mon Bazou Steam charts, data, update history. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Le Missile is a modified and stripped down Demolition Derby car that can be found parked within bay #2 of the Storage Garage at the Scrapyard. The largest of these is the game's town, Saint-Clin du Fin-Fond, as it contains many of the shops and stores the player will be interacting with. Mon Bazou Message Board. Trees are limited. Maple Syrup is one of the three basic Player Needs that you need to look after to survive; it can be thought of as the game's thirst meter. When transporting gas can always keep it in the cab of your truck. not what you want. Keep your jerry can full. With the Loppers. Trustpilot. An interactive version of the map can be found here. The Farmers Market is a small wooden kiosk in Saint-Clin du Fin-Fond. It can be initially found in Town in the parking lot of the Decorations Store, and can be purchased for $2700. ) it will display a blue message on the screen saying GOOD GUY. It's owned by Jacques, and is accessible only after achieving Friendship Level 25 with him. To start the ATV, the player must first shift into neutral; this is indicated. C:usersUSERNAMEAppDataLocalLowSanta GoatMon BazouSAVEFILENAME. You can only participate in the event while driving Le Missile. Will Download and auto-install the most current version of BepInEx from Nexus. Once complete, it can be filled with fuel and driven around. He can be found at the Abandoned Grocery Store between 22:00 and 03:00. The Underground Bunker is an upgrade for the player's Mobile Home purchased from the Weed Dealers. Stop moving, and he’ll slowly creep up to you, and take the treat bag from your hand, and run back into the forest. The Engine and the Driveline are found at the Cottage. It is the same make and model as the player’s Konig, but it is missing most components needed to function. mp3 doesn’t work so you. 277. The Electric Auto Heater is a permanent upgrade available for the Sugar Shack that can be purchased from the Maple Syrup Federation for $17,999. . Originally posted by Parquito: Do you have to have a certain friendship level with Normand to unlock the speedway or do you have to give him something, I'm at level 14 with him right now. He'll leave the school and head towards the Speedway, taking the long curvy road past the farms on the. Mother - 555-2109 Martin - 555-2020 Richard - 555-2181. It is found inside a small garage on the Speedway grounds, and requires three different parts to be built, similar to the Buggy. Mon Bazou is a Canadian-based game and as such, it has some interesting cuisine options, for food you have Poutine and to drink Maple syrup. When making syrup don't buy cans and such unless you can afford the sealer. It can initially be found in the player's Mobile Home on the arm of the sofa. Since we opened our first store over 30 years ago, we’ve treated customers like guests in our homes, ensuring your needs come first. She can be called at any time of the day at 555-2109. Remember This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. The Bathroom Scale is used to weigh car parts to see their impact on the total weight of the Konig, or to estimate their value when Sold for Scrap. TrickyTrav741 Dec 28, 2021 @ 2:23am. Jims U-Pull is a scrapyard in the back-country of the northeast corner of the map. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. more reply. Launch Cheat Engine, press the computer icon (or File -> Open Process) to select the application -> select Mon Bazou. Sign in to edit. On the. Landline Telephones are located at key locations around the map and are able to be used to dial out to various telephone numbers in the game.